Advanced Insect-themed Crossword Puzzle
Listed Items
- 1. This insect is the subject of many summer folk tales due to its glowing nature
- 2. The way insects aid in the propagation of flowering plants
- 3. Insect domicile often found in trees or underground
- 4. A name for insects in developmental stage, after being an egg
- 5. Insect that can turn its head 180 degrees
- 5. The process that insects undergo to develop from an immature form to an adult
- 6. A complex, organized dwelling where queen bee resides
- 7. Insect metamorphosis stage, not an adult or larva
- 8. Insect's tool for delivering a painful warning
- 9. Insect species, many of which are flightless, known for their calls
- 10. Moths use these to detect pheromones
- 11. A creature that thrives in damp and dark areas
- 12. Famous insect often used in fables and folktales
- 13. An insidious invader that can undermine a wooden house's structure
- 14. Research field for those fascinated by bugs and insects
- 15. An insect found in tall grasses that causes skin irritation
- 16. What's the insect that has an elongated body and a life span of just six months?
- 17. It's a small sap-sucking bug that's a nuisance to plants
- 18. A type of insect that can survive a nuclear explosion
- 19. Name the insect known for its castes, like workers, queens, and drones
- 20. The Hermit or Dung __ is an example of this insect
- 21. The sweet lure in flowers attracting insects
- 22. This insect's painful sting is an evolutionary adaptation to deter predators
- 23. Insect's eight-legged counterpart
- 24. A type of arachnid that spins a web to catch its prey.
- 25. Often confused with millipedes, these insects are actually venomous predators
- 26. An insect named for its flight pattern, which was thought to resemble milk being churned
- 27. The larval stage of a lepidopteran, often found on leafy plants
- 28. Considered a pest, this insect enjoys eating holes in your clothes