Advanced New Testament-themed Crossword Puzzle
Listed Items
- 1. Restoring a relationship after hurt
- 2. Event when Jesus returned to His Father
- 3. Traveler to Egypt with Jesus
- 4. Being calm during tough times
- 5. Savior in the New Testament
- 6. A way of treating others that Jesus encourages
- 7. A kind act from above
- 8. A struggle against wrong desires
- 9. Betrayed Jesus for 30 silver coins
- 10. The good neighbor from Jesus' teaching in the New Testament
- 11. The result of Christ’s work
- 12. Jesus uses this plant as a metaphor
- 13. New Testament term for community of believers
- 14. Christian teaching in letter form
- 15. Being good and fair
- 16. In the New Testament, Jesus is called the good this
- 17. Evil spirits in Jesus' time
- 18. He finally believed in resurrection
- 19. This special day, the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples
- 20. A word referring to bad behavior